Podcast Review: If Books Could Kill 

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Written By Nick Allford

If the pen is mightier than the sword, then a bad book must be like a nuclear weapon. 

Although that may sound hacky, it’s true that some books can easily spread misinformation, especially when their contents are presented as fact. 

If Books Could Kill not only has a great title, it sets its sights on ‘airport books’ – bestsellers like Freakonomics, Atomic Habits and Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, which have sold millions of copies. That’s millions of people around the world who have been influenced by these perhaps not-so-helpful, self-help books and millions of people who may have taken their word as the Bible. 

A Podcast for Critical Thinkers

Journalist Michael Hobbes and lawyer Peter Shamshiri use their backgrounds and savage wit to pick apart these books on their journey to discover how ill-conceived ideas are spread. They balance their critiques with humour and add small nuggets of their own advice. 

With the constant barrage of information we are subjected to daily, this podcast reminds you to stop every once in a while and question content and its source.  

It’s the perfect podcast if you love books, but you’re too time-poor to read a bad one.

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