The Benefits of Stepping Away from Social Media

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Written By Karen Bleakley

Social media is part of our daily lives, but stepping back offers surprising benefits. Disconnecting from social platforms allows you to reclaim time for activities that enrich your life, such as hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying being in the present moment.

Taking a break from social media – or creating clear boundaries around it – can also improve your mental health by reducing feelings of anxiety, comparison and overwhelm.

North Lakes-based social media self-care coach Misty Johnson works with women to shift their relationship with social media by prioritising self-care and unplugging in a way that is sustainable, simple and stress-free. 

Embrace Life Beyond the Screen

“Social media can have a negative impact on our lives in so many ways,” Misty said. “It can create information overload – we are bombarded with content from all angles and it can create a feeling of internal chaos. The cycle can lead us to comparing our lives to others and can create a fear of missing out. Relationships can suffer and we can find ourselves losing out on in-person experiences.” 

Misty shared these tips to improve your ongoing experience with social media:

1. Be intentional with your time online

If you need to go online to do something, set a time limit and turn it off afterwards.

2. Turn off notifications

You don’t need to respond to everything immediately. Set clear boundaries around your availability.

3. Prioritise in-person connections

Relationships in real life are important. Prioritise these over time spent online.

4. Do a daily check-in

Decide if you have the capacity and energy to consume social media before logging in and letting it drain you.

5. Consider your JOLO (joy of living offline)

Carve out time to be in the moment. Misty’s little tagline for this is: No socials. No selfies. No phone.

Stepping away from social media provides an opportunity to reset your priorities and reconnect with yourself. Whether it’s a short pause, a little step back or an intentional longer break, unplugging can lead to greater clarity, reduced stress and a more balanced lifestyle.

You can find Misty at website, listen to The Unplugged Woman, Unplugged podcast and download Misty’s free social media self-care toolkit.

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