A Shining Light of Help 

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Written By Sheree Hoddinett

Embracing the feeling of not knowing where to turn next is a big part of why Rozz Nuttall does everything she can to help those doing it tough. 

With homelessness increasing in the community, Rozz founded Lighting the Way for New Beginnings. It all began on Christmas Day in 2022 when Rozz and her daughter Latisha made some meals and handed them out to those experiencing homelessness in the City of Moreton Bay area. 

“We have been providing home-cooked meals daily, emergency food hampers and hygiene products,” Rozz said. “We continue to link people with resources that are available in the community that they may not know about.  

“We have noticed a lot more lately because demand is increasing, the housing crisis is horrible and until it gets any better, we’re going to see more and more people in this situation.” 

Everything is paid for and provided by Rozz, who wants to help as many people as she can after experiencing her own battles with addiction and domestic violence and not always knowing where to turn to when needing help. 

“I want people out there that are struggling and feel as if they’re being judged and not listened to, that someone is here for them,” Rozz said. “After everything I’ve been through, I’m non-judgemental so I can listen to them and sometimes that’s all you need is to have someone that believes in you.”  

A Call for More Help

Lighting the Way for New Beginnings
Rozz and her daughter Latisha cook meals and put together hampers for those struggling in the community.

Rozz and Latisha have already provided hundreds of meals and hampers and with demand growing, they know it’s time to put out a call for more help to keep the process rolling.  

“We do have a couple of ladies that help out with baked goods, some meals and help provide items for our hampers,” Rozz said. “But we know we can only do so much and we’ve also reached the point where we need to expand our services. A lot of homeless people out there have their pets with them and we’d like to explore being able to help their pets with some temporary accommodation or pet sitters. We all know how important our fur babies are to us and knowing they are safe would be a big thing.” 

In the long term, Rozz plans to set up a not-for-profit charity to assist those in need in the community. A GoFundMe page has been set up, with Rozz asking for kindness and compassion to support their cause.  

“Your donation will make a real impact on the lives of others,” she said. “Help us to keep on going, help us to expand and help us to inspire others. Any small donation will help.” 

If you would like to know more or to offer any assistance, you can reach Rozz on 0483 841 827 or join the Lighting the Way for New Beginnings Facebook group.  

You can also support them through their GoFundMe page.

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