A groundbreaking discovery has been made in the City of Moreton Bay: a previously undiscovered material in the universe known as Mugic. This fascinating hybrid of music and magic harnesses the musical potential within objects and people, creating an enchanting blend that scientists and musicians are eager to explore.
To delve deeper into the mysteries of Mugic, experts have constructed a unique instrument called the Mostly Mellifluous Melodium. This innovative creation is designed to coax Mugic out into the world through the transformative power of improvisation, storytelling, and play.
This is a unique opportunity for everyone to engage with the Melodium, experience the magic of Mugic, and contribute to this exciting scientific and musical exploration. Participate in this extraordinary event and discover how Mugic can transform our understanding of music, magic, and human connection.
- Experiment making sounds.
- Play together to create soundscapes.
- Join guest musicians and make mugical songs.
This activation is part of Make Music Month.